2019/4/9 Updates to daily follow limits

カテゴリー: Twitter Developer  閲覧数:472 配信日:2019-05-19 00:53


Today, we changed the daily limit for the number of users a single user can follow from 1,000 to 400, as referenced here.

This limit is applied to each user individually, independent of the applications they use to access the Twitter platform. As a result, this new user limit also applies to third-party applications developed on the Twitter API using the /friendships/create endpoint.

Although a daily limit existed prior to this change, we wanted to take this opportunity to encourage developers to check their own apps to ensure they are built to gracefully handle scenarios where app users might encounter this limit.

・Endpoint: /friendships/create
・Limit: Requests / 24-hour window: 400 new follows per user
・Documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/follow-search-get-users/api-reference/post-friendships-create
If a particular user reaches the follow limit, the following error response will be returned:

“You are unable to follow more people at this time.”

code: 161

Corresponds with HTTP 403. Thrown when a user cannot follow another user due to reaching the limit. This limit is applied to each user individually, independent of the applications they use to access the Twitter platform.
We have updated our documentation to reflect the new limit, which you can find here.

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指定期間人気ページランキング / 2020-5-27 → 2025-3-9
順位 ページタイトル抜粋 アクセス数
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16 teratailでは質問しない | プログラミング 285
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2025/3/10 1:02 更新