「User is not Authorized」と「Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user.」は連動していない

TwitterTwitter Developer


 状態:確認中  閲覧数:1,916  投稿日:2020-06-13  更新日:2020-06-16
Twitter の2つの問題 / Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user. /「User is not Authorized」と表示されるアカウント

Twitter の2つの問題 / Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user. /「User is not Authorized」と表示されるアカウント

 閲覧数:452 投稿日:2020-06-13 更新日:2020-06-17

Twitter の2つの問題

User is not Authorized
・Twitter Developer で作成したappを使用できなくなる
問い合わせても返信しない。2020/5/20 → 現在(2020/6/13)

Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user.
・Twitter アカウントを新規作成できなくなる
・一定期間の説明も告知もないため、アカウント新規作成できるか毎日試さなければいけない → 地味に面倒

Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user.


「Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user.」と「User is not Authorized」は連動していない
・Twitterアカウント新規作成可能になったが、1ツイートもしていないアカウントは、相変わらず「User is not Authorized」と表示される

「User is not Authorized」と表示されるアカウント



User is not Authorized
Forbidden: Your Twitter account is suspended and cannot access this resource.
No apps here.
You'll need an app and API key in order to authenticate and integrate with most Twitter developer products. Create an app to get your API key.

I asked many times, but Twitter didn't answer. So I deleted the app which I haven't even tweeted. Are you satisfied with this?

Your request has been submitted to Twitter. We are usually able to respond within a few days, but some issues may take longer.

Please check your email inbox for an email from Twitter Support. If you don't see one, try checking your email's spam and trash folders.

Case# xxxx: Appealing an account suspension - @xxxx_ [ref:xxxx.xxxx:ref]

Thanks for your report. It looks like this is connected with your original case # xxxx, so we’ve added it to that first report.

We’ll continue our review with this information.

If you have more details you think we should know, please respond to this email to send them our way. We appreciate your help!



Twitter developer account application [ ref:_xxxx._xxxx:ref ]

Thanks for your interest in building on Twitter.

Before we can finish our review of your developer account application, we need some more details about your use case.

The types of information that are valuable for our review include:
・The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs.
・If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct, and the methods or techniques.
・If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you’ll interact with Twitter accounts, or their content.
・If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how, and where, Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed with your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level, or aggregated.
Just reply to this email with these details. Once we’ve received your response, we’ll continue our review. We appreciate your help!




User is not Authorized の闇

順位 ページタイトル抜粋
1 「User is not Authorized」と「Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user.」は連動していない 27
2 「Default branch」ではなく「Your branches」 23
3 「Email sent! We sent you a new copy of the confirmation email.」と表示されているのに、メール受信出来ない 22
4 「Twitter Developer」審査結果に通り、appを作成。しかし、いつの間にか「User is not Authorized」が表示されていたケース 21
5 Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm border 20
6 You currently have access to a subset of Twitter API v2 endpoints 20
7 we are unable to approve your developer application at this time. 19
8 「ERROR: Repository not found. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.」と表示された場合は、 19
9 User is not Authorized の闇 19
10 Phone number is already in use for too many accounts and cannot be added to another user. 19
11 「2023 年 4 月 30 日」前後にTwitterアカウントが「SUSPENDED This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies.」と表示された場合には、「Downgrade」ボタンを押した方がよいと思われます。 19
12 Git BASH 作業履歴 2022/10/21 / P28 site-ranking(4Th-Ranking-Service) / 他の「.git」ディレクトリが存在した状態のまま下記gitコマンドを実行したため、意図せず「submodule」化されてしまった例 18
13 Twitterにおける「name」「screen_name」「user_id」の意味は明確に異なる 17
14 Git 失敗履歴2。「$ git reset」→ ソースコード削除。※Git BASH 経由で Windows10 から GitHub へ PUSH しようとするも、誤ってソースコードを削除してしまう 17
15 意図せずSubModuleが作成された場合は、「$ git rm -rf --cached <対象ファイル or path>」後、「$ git add <対象ファイル or path>」 17
16 意図せずSubModule(ディレクトリに白い矢印)が作成された場合は、「$ git rm -rf --cached <対象ファイル or path>」後、「$ git add <対象ファイル or path>」 17
17 authorize authenticate 16
18 Git BASH 作業履歴 2022/10/20 / P48 site-rank(First-Ranking-Service) / 「Add a README」後「git push -f origin main」実行したため、「README」削除 16
19 Git BASH 作業履歴 2022/10/20 / P48 site-rank(First-Ranking-Service) 2 / P25をP48のリポジトリへ反映させていたので、「git push -f origin main」で強制上書き実行 16
20 fatal: remote error: is not a valid repository name 16
2025/3/10 20:27 更新